July 2011

Transparent Video On The iPhone, It Can Be Done… With Flash!

The creative for a client project I worked on recently involved several video loops of actors shot on green screen. The videos needed to overlap, so the actors didn’t look like they were in discreet spaces, but in one seamless environment. The problem with this creative was that the iPhone SDK doesn’t include a video Continue reading Transparent Video On The iPhone, It Can Be Done… With Flash!

Video On The iPhone Tutorial Part 4, using AVQueuePlayer to play a series of videos in sequence

AVQueuePlayer allows you to queue up a “playlist” of videos which are then automatically played one after the other. You can also set up a Notification to listen for changes in the AVQueuePlayer’s AVPlayerItems and then build custom code to repeat, skip or add new video items to the queue. This tut follows on from Continue reading Video On The iPhone Tutorial Part 4, using AVQueuePlayer to play a series of videos in sequence

Video On The iPhone Tutorial Part 3, playing multiple videos simultaneously

I come from a Flash background and something I’m use to doing a lot of in Flash is creating video walls (playing several videos at the same time). There are a lot of situations where you might want to do this, say having multiple video thumbnails playing, or a main video with another “talking head” Continue reading Video On The iPhone Tutorial Part 3, playing multiple videos simultaneously

Video On The iPhone Tutorial Part 1

I’m currently working on a project at work that needs to have multiple small videos playing in an iPhone app all at one time. So in this series of tutorials I’m going to go through the process of playing video using the MediaPlayer Framework, starting with the simplest implementation of just pulling a video In Continue reading Video On The iPhone Tutorial Part 1